7 lessons learnt during the pandemic?

Every year Next Genration publishes a research report for the grantmaking, social investment, humanitarian, philanthropy and development sector focusing on trends That is, until 2020 happened!2021 was a year of reflection – and here is what we learnt. Lesson 1: Complexity requires clear strategy Whilst 2020 required rapid responses to several issues all at once – to survive the pandemic, …

Impact driven social investment

Grantmakers, donors, philanthropists and corporate social investors can choose among a multitude of ways to apply their philanthropic resources. Some donors derive great satisfaction from supporting a few nonprofit organizations that address their areas of concern and demonstrate a solid track record. They may support the same organizations year after year, as long as they see evidence of good management …

Worried looking woman holding her head reading a document at her desk

Social Investment and Development Strategies Gone Wrong

In the following section we’d like to share some of our lessons learnt whilst providing strategic advisory and impact management and measurement services to our clients. We trust this article will provide you with greater insights into your own social investment and grantmaking practices and that our contribution to the sector’s body of knowledge will help to fast track best …

man and woman looking at laptop

2020: A New Dawn for the corporate social investment and development sector

Challenging TimesThe continuing economic crises have forced corporate social investors, grant-makers, donors and philanthropists to reconsider their contributions to society and social purpose organisations as well as their investment and development strategies. This refocus and reconsideration is compounded by increased expectations around transparency, accountability and questions have been asked regarding the effectiveness of grants, donations and corporate social investments. In …