When donors decide to contribute to a cause, they often seek specific benefits that go beyond mere financial support. Understanding these motivations can help impact organizations tailor their approaches to meet donor expectations effectively. Not all donors and grantmakers are the same, but there is common ground shared by all types of funders, and understanding and addressing these motivations is key.
A new future vision for the humanitarian ecosystem
Global polycrisis requires transformative philanthropy Hardly a day goes by that we don’t read or hear about an existing or new crisis, catastrophe or calamity, critical challenges or being at a crossroads. All these c-words also have another side, the one of cocreation and collaboration. They all exist in a world in constant turmoil, a global polycrisis and a threatening …
2023 Trends and Insights for the Humanitarian Sector
Insight: A Polycrises: A sector outpaced by global challenges, which are growing faster than we are applying solutions. Even where governments and business are starting to step up and do more, the nature of these challenges, which are exponential in the case of the climate crises – seem to escalate constantly. Download the report
10 Things Corporate Grantmakers, Social Investors And Philanthropists Can Do In Response To COVID-19
As governments, businesses, and individuals scramble to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, Corporate Grantmakers and those of us who work in the social sector rightly ask what we can do to effectively contribute.
Strengthening the impact investor, philanthropist and social enterprise relationship
An Impact investor is often seen by many as an effective way to finance the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Much is made of the trillions of dollars invested each year by investors and how this cash could be utilised to transform the humanitarian sector. But there is still remains a lot of uncertainty on how effective impact investing …
Aligning philanthropy and social development with Sustainable Development Goals
The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations in 2015 has resulted in a seismic shift in the social development and humanitarian sectors. The 17 SDGs offer a blueprint that aims to align economic, social and environmental development. They are the most visionary development goals ever set and the intent behind the global goals is to mobilise …