We are entering a new world order and future blockbusters and documentaries about the past will probably refer to the eras before coronavirus (BC) and after coronavirus (AC). Whatever your worldview, it is now clear from the world’s collective experiences and expectations of the future that it will be about restructuring the economic, environmental and social order in which business, …
Social capital – its value and how to measure it
The newly revisited concept of social capital is now prominent in several fields of social science. For Next Generation Consultants, the concept became important with the introduction of the integrated reporting framework that requires companies and organisations to report on how their activities either contribute to or diminish capital formation. The International Integrated Reporting Council’s guidance suggests that a company’s …
Determining impact and return on investment: Searching for a holy grail?
Assessing the impact of sustainable development programmes, especially ongoing performance measurement and management, has gained momentum in recent years. The interest and growth in numerous approaches, technologies, processes and systems that aim to understand the difference a development intervention can make can be attributed to impact investors’ and other stakeholders’ expectations. But determining impact and return on investment can at …
What is wrong with current monitoring and evaluation practices?
Questions about whether development programmes “work” have preoccupied the development sector for a long time. In today’s reality of continued economic hardship, coupled by diminishing resources and mounting sector scepticism, development practitioners face even more pressure to demonstrate the results, change and impact of their activities. Management consulting in this field therefore has to include monitoring and evaluation. Measurement practices …
Towards better monitoring and evaluation practice in performance measurement
Performance measurement is at the heart of all efforts by social investors and grantmakers to make social/community investment and development more effective. Philanthropists, donors, social and impact investors, governments and development agencies alike need more credible and timely evidence about their performance. While acknowledging that financial resources alone cannot drive sustainable development, the industry must strive to better understand how different types of development and …
A 21st Century methodology to evaluate CSI impacts and returns
The Investment Impact Index™One of the biggest issues for the development sector in Africa is how to determine whether we have really made a difference through any given social investment programme, and what kind of difference we have made. Have our interventions improved the lives of those they set out to change for the better? Have resources and funds been meaningfully allocated …
Investment Impact Index
A detailed impact assessment methodology developed by Next Generation Consultants for determining impact and return on investment for the grantmaking and social development sectors.
Determining impact and return: How now?
How to measure the impact and return on investment of community/social programmes has plagued industry practitioners for a long time. The Investment Impact Index™ was developed as a uniquely African methodology to solve this problem. Until now there has been a lot of focus on monitoring and evaluating the outputs and outcomes of social, community and enterprise development programmes. Moving to …