How to develop a theory of change

A good theory of change gives you choices and helps you make better decisions, in addition – it is a tool that can be used by so many stakeholders, both internally and externally to an organisation as it explains clearly and succinctly what you are aiming to achieve. In essence, it is a summary of your strategic intent and objectives. Or stated differently – it is a complete strategy on a single page.

Strategic Review Processes

Social and impact investors have an obligation to share their impact results. But, most investors focus only on the reach aspect – that is the number of people impacted. Yet, qualitative data provide so much more depth, nuance and insight to impact results, for this reason we focus on various dimensions of impact. This presentation share some of our thoughts …

5 Ways to increase your impact

Many investors, grantmakers, donors and philanthropists depend on their implementing partners to achieve their impact goals and objectives. Having a clear impact strategy, impact thesis and impact objectives will make achieving impact easier.Download the report


Development work is hard. Making change happen at scale is complex and there is not a linear path. Yet, achieving impact at scale is a goal many grantmakers, philanthropists, social and impact investors aim for – but this goal is not often nor easily achieved.Of course, we must also recognize that the ability to make impact in any particular focus …


‘Impact’ is the word of the moment in philanthropy, charity and even impact investing. Donors want to have an impact with their giving, charities want to know if their work is making a difference, and investors want their investments to have an impact.While everyone wants to be impactful, what’s missing is an agreement or understanding of what that means. Defining …

Science based evidence – the lifeblood of the humanitarian ecosystem

We know that high quality development data is the foundation for meaningful policymaking, efficient resource allocation, and effective public service delivery.Consider if you will – how, the Covid-19 pandemic that is now nearing a 18-month cycle – impacts all aspects of our lives and work. But it has also become clearer how important data, statistics and scientific evidence have become. …

Businessman's hands using a tablet with graphs

Revolutionising monitoring and evaluation through impact measurement

The advent of the SDGs, growing dissatisfaction with current economic models, the explosion of impact investing, impact measurement and other innovative finance models coupled with the potential that the fourth industrial revolution presents and the growing ubiquity of digital technology has created the context in which an overhaul of current monitoring and evaluation practices is required. Robert Picciotto says in …

Man in wheelchair discussing impact assessment with group

What to Expect From Our Impact Assessment Process & Why Is It Important?

Oftentimes social investors, grant-makers and donors are put off by the cost of an impact assessment.  But the cost of an impact assessment is directly related to the size of the investment, number of investments made, programs funded, location and the scale & size of these interventions. In addition, it’s influenced by how much information is available (i.e. strategies, monitoring …

Two young african women sitting in and looking at a laptop

Telling Your Impact Story

Whilst many donors, grant-makers, social purpose organisations and social investors are keen to report on their investments and impact, it’s not that easy to develop a good impact report.  Reporting your impact can help you to: Review your impact against your vision and goals Create a learning organisation where people focus on results and adapt and improve services Motivate staff, …