Human rights
Global trends in human rights management – business, globalisation and new regulations
Human rights are necessary in our modern world, as globalisation and injustice are factors that can impact business. What we all have in common is human rights, purely because we are all people and live on the same planet. Human rights a...
How human rights management reduces risk in the supply chain
Companies operating globally in sectors associated with higher stakeholder risk can benefit from a human rights management strategy. Case studies from various industries show that human rights due diligence practices not only limit viola...
The importance of human rights management for business
A strategy for risk management and proactive stakeholder engagementBusiness has previously regarded the protection of human rights as a moral imperative. Today, human rights management and due diligence policies are required for good gov...
Human rights and community development – an opportunity for integration and alignment
Human rights standards have become increasingly well-defined in recent years. Codified in international, regional and national legal systems, they constitute a set of performance standards against which organisations and governments can ...
Integrating human rights management into business practice
Successful approaches in conducting human rights management in the world of workHuman rights impact every individual and every stakeholder involved in business. To limit risk, it is necessary to identify and analyse stakeholders along a ...
The challenge of integrating human rights practices in business management
"The intent of integration is to make respecting human rights part of the parameters within which business is conducted – like ethical behaviour, compliance should ensure leadership from the top to embed respect for human rights, inclu...
Using effective indicators to measure progress on human rights management
The relevance of measuring, managing and reporting on business and human rights indicators cannot be overstated. Valid and reliable indicators could be useful to: assess the size of the human rights issues that companies face; track corporat...
A rightsholder approach to effective human rights management practices
In recent years, companies have made significant progress to understand, come to terms with and implement human rights practices. In general, this statement applies mostly to high-profile industries such as mining, oil and gas. Similarly...
Human rights impact assessments – the what, the why, the business case
An introduction and overview of human rights due diligence processesFor large projects and multinational companies, impact assessment studies have become standard. Social, environmental and health impacts are investigated using internati...
Human rights management as part of a business strategy
"Formulating a specific corporate strategy on human rights and embedding this strategy in corporate policies is key to the successful integration of human rights management processes in a company. Such a strategy should provide the visio...