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In social investment, it’s now about hard evidence and measured impact (2018 CSI trends media release)
2 April 2018 Social and impact investors no longer just want to know that they’ve attempted to change the world for the better. They want to know if their investment meant something. They want detailed evidence that their investment le...
Social capital – its value and how to measure it
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Social sector needs to up its game to keep receiving financial support (2018 CSI trends media release)
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What to Expect From Our Impact Assessment Process & Why Is It Important?
Oftentimes social investors, grant-makers and donors are put off by the cost of an impact assessment. But the cost of an impact assessment is directly related to the size of the investment, number of investments made, programs funded, ...
Risk management and stakeholder engagement
Much has been said and written about best practice or effective stakeholder engagement. There are standards, guidelines and frameworks that govern stakeholder processes, and many consultants have advised on developing stakeholder managem...
Blended Finance
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What do donors want?
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The importance of human rights management for business
A strategy for risk management and proactive stakeholder engagementBusiness has previously regarded the protection of human rights as a moral imperative. Today, human rights management and due diligence policies are required for good gov...
Human rights and community development – an opportunity for integration and alignment
Human rights standards have become increasingly well-defined in recent years. Codified in international, regional and national legal systems, they constitute a set of performance standards against which organisations and governments can ...
Human rights impact assessments – the what, the why, the business case
An introduction and overview of human rights due diligence processesFor large projects and multinational companies, impact assessment studies have become standard. Social, environmental and health impacts are investigated using internati...