Grantmakers, donors, philanthropists and corporate social investors can choose among a multitude of ways to apply their philanthropic resources. Some donors derive great satisfaction from supporting a few nonprofit organizations that address their areas of concern and demonstrate a solid track record. They may support the same organizations year after year, as long as they see evidence of good management …
10 valuable steps for NGO’s, NPO’s and SPO’s to combat the impact of COVID-19
To support articles we posted recently on what corporate grantmakers, philanthropists and social investors can do in support of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (Read: 10 THINGS CORPORATE GRANTMAKERS, SOCIAL INVESTORS AND PHILANTHROPISTS CAN DO IN RESPONSE TO COVID-19 | Read: REIMAGINING A FUTURE FOR CORPORATE SOCIAL INVESTMENT), this article focuses on the flipside – organizations who work in the …
Social Innovation: beyond the buzz
From organ transplant deliveries by drone to smartphone apps that help diagnose eye disease and plant-based burgers that taste just like meat right through to entrepreneurship programmes that aim to build thriving early child development centres – the social innovation sector is a varied and dynamic one that aims to find innovative solutions to some of society’s most pressing problems. …
Strengthening the impact investor, philanthropist and social enterprise relationship
An Impact investor is often seen by many as an effective way to finance the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Much is made of the trillions of dollars invested each year by investors and how this cash could be utilised to transform the humanitarian sector. But there is still remains a lot of uncertainty on how effective impact investing …
Social Investment and Development Strategies Gone Wrong
In the following section we’d like to share some of our lessons learnt whilst providing strategic advisory and impact management and measurement services to our clients. We trust this article will provide you with greater insights into your own social investment and grantmaking practices and that our contribution to the sector’s body of knowledge will help to fast track best …
Creating shared value – because companies cannot succeed in a failing society
Too many companies are still trapped in an outdated approach of focusing solely on short-term financial performance while mostly ignoring the well-being of their customers, the availability of natural resources and the needs of the communities in which they produce, sell and deliver services. It’s no wonder that dismay to the point of aggression has been mounting against big corporates, …
Social capital – measuring the unmeasurable
“Social capital” as a concept is relatively new, multifaceted and imprecise. “Hard data” on what it is and how it should be measured is therefore not readily available. Companies often only report on the money they invest in communities, but seldom know how much value – or social capital – they’ve created. Much of what is measured is reporting activity, as …
Let’s do social innovation rather than corporate social investment
Companies cannot be sustainable if the communities they depend on for future business are unsustainable. While this may sound as logical and common sensical as continually adapting CSI efforts to keep up in an ever-changing world, so many corporates have been riding the wave of change on the same old social investment board for several years. The world will continue …
Implementing social innovation strategies at a systemic level: A wish list for 2018
Spring has officially sprung and we’re heading towards the planning phase for the forthcoming financial year. There is no better time to clean out the CSI closet and consider more innovative approaches that can equip us to better manage risk, face challenges and maximise opportunities along the value chain. To set up your CSI division or foundation for new growth, …
Social innovation future social value and capital creation
This presentation is aimed at proving the value of social innovation and how it contributes to the creation of social value and social capital.
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