Social innovation: Contributor and driver of future value and capital

Even today, many development practitioners find it hard to prove the value (and the business case for that matter) that social and community development delivers and contributes to the future sustainability of a business. However, because we have proved through impact assessments that measure both the impact (on beneficiaries and investment portfolios or themes) and return on investment for the …

Evidence of impact and return – 2015

This presentation was given at the Sustainable Brands Africa Conference in May 2016. It provides case studies and lessons learnt of conducting numerous impact assessments. It also provides advice of how to conduct impact assessments, what indicators to consider and how to determine return on investment.

Determining impact and return: How now?

How to measure the impact and return on investment of community/social programmes has plagued industry practitioners for a long time. The Investment Impact Indexâ„¢ was developed as a uniquely African methodology to solve this problem. Until now there has been a lot of focus on monitoring and evaluating the outputs and outcomes of social, community and enterprise development programmes. Moving to …

man reading business newspaper

Determining the ROI of (corporate) community investment and development

Over the last 20 years (corporate) community involvement (CI) or corporate social investment and development (CSI) has evolved from an add-on activity to a bona fide line function with bottom-line accountabilities. Like any other business function it is expected to add value (returns) to the business. For community involvement adding value means creating a shared and/or blended value proposition — …

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Measuring the social impact & ROI of CSI

Social and community investment and development programmes have become critically important for companies worldwide. As a result of the increasing demand for robust corporate governance and an illustration of the “licence to operate”, growing consumer awareness, as well as a growing global awareness of the divide between rich (corporates) and poor (communities), companies and grantmakers are investing billions into corporate social community development …