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Telling Your Impact Story
Whilst many donors, grant-makers, social purpose organisations and social investors are keen to report on their investments and impact, it’s not that easy to develop a good impact report. Reporting your impact can help you to: Review...
A new future vision for the humanitarian ecosystem
Global polycrisis requires transformative philanthropy Hardly a day goes by that we don’t read or hear about an existing or new crisis, catastrophe or calamity, critical challenges or being at a crossroads. All these c-words also have ...
Grantmaking – getting it right: indicators to measure success
Generally, grantmakers pay considerable attention to what they fund (grantmaking strategy and impact) and who they fund (the grantees, organisations and intermediaries they support). But what about the management practice of funding? In ...
Social capital – measuring the unmeasurable
"Social capital” as a concept is relatively new, multifaceted and imprecise. “Hard data” on what it is and how it should be measured is therefore not readily available. Companies often only report on the money they invest in commu...
Using Innovative finance for new economic models in a new world
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Harnessing the power of the youth – the next generation of philanthropists
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The importance of human rights management for business
A strategy for risk management and proactive stakeholder engagementBusiness has previously regarded the protection of human rights as a moral imperative. Today, human rights management and due diligence policies are required for good gov...
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Lets talk about social return on investmentGrantmakers, donors and philanthropists want nothing else, but to make an impact with their investments. So do companies, foundations and trusts. And – if you are a more commercially incli...
2014/2015 Trends in corporate social investment and development
Introduction and backgroundOver the past 10 years, Next Generation has analysed, reviewed, tracked and commented on the trends in the corporate community and social investment and development sector across Africa and South Africa. Over...
What is wrong with current monitoring and evaluation practices?
Questions about whether development programmes “work” have preoccupied the development sector for a long time. In today’s reality of continued economic hardship, coupled by diminishing resources and mounting sector scepticism, deve...
2018 CSI trends, forecasts and impacts – research report
The growth of impact investors and in particular social enterprises, owned and headed up by innovative and brave young social entrepreneurs, combined with corporate social investors’ focus on enterprise development, provided the...
Social capital – its value and how to measure it
The newly revisited concept of social capital is now prominent in several fields of social science. For Next Generation Consultants, the concept became important with the introduction of the integrated reporting framework that requires c...
A 21st Century methodology to evaluate CSI impacts and returns
The Investment Impact Index™One of the biggest issues for the development sector in Africa is how to determine whether we have really made a difference through any given social investment programme, and what kind of difference we hav...
2017 CSI trends, forecasts and impacts – presentation
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Social capital: What it is
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Building consensus through a new social compact
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Risk management and stakeholder engagement
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Trends in stakeholder reporting and stakeholder outcomes
Consultation tends to be a one-way flow of information where a company solicits input from stakeholder groups. Stakeholder dialogue is a more robust conversation. It gives companies an opportunity to provide context for their operational...
NGOs – the big losers in the current social investment sphere
Social and developmental enterprises like NGOs are increasingly struggling to get funding for their projects and programmes – and with good reason. While everything else in the world – also in the social investment arena – is chang...
Stakeholder engagement is—and will remain—a core element of the sustainability toolkit. It is a fundamental component of materiality assessments, which are then used to inform sustainability strategy, reporting, and disclosure. Corpo...