What we do
At Next Generation Consultants, our core focus is social innovation.
Our goal is to address economic, social and environmental challenges for our client organisations, while ensuring measurable impact and return on investment.
Our Clients
Next Generation works with several multinational and listed companies across Africa to develop strategies and programmes for sustained, responsible and inclusive growth, profitability and social change.

Planning, managing and evaluating CSI initiatives
Three benchmark guidebooks for social investors and the development sector

Methodology Meets Technology
The Investment Impact Indexâ„¢ is an impact management and measurement methodology, framework and tool that helps you measure impact and determine return ROI.
Learn More about the IIITM
Our latest insights
What do donors want?
When donors decide to contribute to a cause, they often seek specific benefits that go beyond mere financial support. Understanding these motivations can help impact organizations tailor their approaches to meet donor expectations...
Saving South Africa’s Social Sector
There’s an increasing sense of concern, disconnect, desperation and even hopelessness among the stakeholders that make up South Africa’s humanitarian sector – and with good reason. The sector is facing numerous challenges that not only...
Funder collaborations – approach with caution
Whether we choose to label the state of the world as a global polycrisis (focusing on multiple crises) or a permacrisis (focusing on the long-lasting impact of crises) is to some extent a matter of semantics. The reality is that we are...
2024 Training Events
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7 - 9 May
3 - 5 September
4 - 6 June